Saturday, February 14, 2009


I am member of pickjack. I got paid by pickjack 2 times. Pickjack is the trustable one and we get paid from pickjack if you do it regularly. We can trust it. It pays us through paypal. The procedure to earn in pickjack is.

In pickjack there will be questions and also they contains options. U must select the better choice from them.They are very simple and funny. I will give u an example one.

"Man have how many legs" this is the question and the options is 1.two 2.Three 3.Four 4. Five.These are the options which question have.From this options u must select the better one that is Two legs. And then u must select submit. Then u can earn money.

And also in pickjack you must creat the question also. The question you are creating must the related to the above question. If u have created without stopting 10 questions u will have the Top question.The question u can ceat as your wish. It must not be realated to the other.

So earning money in pickjack is very simple. They will paid to u. because i have been paid twice.

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